Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RUMOR] DA w/ Sony?
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[Image: DAwithSonyForReal.jpg]
For Pete's sake!
What is this?!?!
talk like that on the internet is usually 90% bullchocolate.

I don't think i give a dam anyway.
dude this is bullchocolate I just saw that DMsuprise guys twitter and that link his talking bout where DA apparently said he works for sony. Just judge for yourself here's the link http://twitter.com/#!/RealDarkAlex Yawn frankly that guy's just hating on DA. Hell I wouldn't be surprise if he made that account.
Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]dude this is bullchocolate I just saw that DMsuprise guys twitter and that link his talking bout where DA apparently said he works for sony. Just judge for yourself here's the link http://twitter.com/#!/RealDarkAlex Yawn frankly that guy's just hating on DA. Hell I wouldn't be surprise if he made that account.

Sigh... Good to know.!! Yay
not that it matters if he's gone over, he's not needed now anyway
Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]dude this is bullchocolate I just saw that DMsuprise guys twitter and that link his talking bout where DA apparently said he works for sony. Just judge for yourself here's the link http://twitter.com/#!/RealDarkAlex Yawn frankly that guy's just hating on DA. Hell I wouldn't be surprise if he made that account.
wait so is that twitter account u just linked the real DA or not? o.O
cause if it is the real one then it could be true. :(
Faker....this isn't DA.

DAX hates making things public and he leaved the scene now 2 years ago.

If It would be true, it would stand on his site.

That one almost got me Damn.
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