Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] colourful(CTF) 6.20/6.35
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[Image: 37_663_f5b65e5dc821788.jpg]
[Image: 37_663_64402caca63cf66.jpg]

  I'm a chinese,my English is poor,but I want to share this theme with you,I need your suggestions,and can you give me some great websites which provides resource and tools to make CTF themes....
thank you Madwin
nice man.thanks!

requesting 6.37/6.38ME converstions :D
This theme is sexy ^_^
this seems elegant,,,, I'll try it later Yay


tried this
the wallpaper and icons are done well,,,
i like the way you made the icons slide and hide,, it's very neat indeed Madwin
nice theme
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