Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [iPhone|Lockscreen] LS Elegant Peace 1.2
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[Image: ls_elegant_peace_by_kenzodragon-d3fpv85.jpg]
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.Modified Lockscreen, Modified Lockscreen, inspired with original ."LS Peace" by 8HellKeeper8
.Font "Droid Sans" | use BytaFont for this! You can get it on Cydia.
.Weather icons by fif7y
.Wallpaper - found somewhere on the internet, if somebody knows whom to credit please notify me.

!Release notes:
.supports iOS 4.0 up to 4.3.3, did not test iOS 5.0b1 (does WinterBoard even work on it?)
.change the weather: search "var locale" in LockBackground.html and change the code for your location, found here: Weather codes
.you need to manually edit the .strings file in /System/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/*YourLocationOrLanguage*/SpringBoard.strings to remove the "slide to unlock" or whatever text for the sliders or use one you prefer.

*update v1.1
.fixed weather not showing up, swapped with the wrong file...
.fixed layer for weather

*update v1.1.1
.fixed day displaying 11st, 12nd and 13rd instead of 11th, 12th and 13th
.code cleanup

*update v1.2
.iOS 4.3.x support
.code cleanup #2, no external scripts anymore
.SD support for sliders
.fixed font, using Helvetica instead of HelveticaNeue
!note: a bunch of fonts aren't working because they weren't converted correctly for HelveticaNeue

*update v1.2.1
.12-hour clock
.clock without displaying seconds (for both 24-hour and 12-hour clock)
.Tap to unlock
!Just replace the LockBackground.html for the version you want from the Extra folder
!Tap to unlock: Replace the folder \Bundles\com.apple.TelephonyUI with the one from the Extra folder

*update v1.2.2
.fixed 12-hour clock (with seconds)
.fixed tap to unlock

If you like my work, you can always donate. I'm currently needing the money for college, since i have to pay a monthly fee.
Here is the paypal link:

[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]

Follow me on twitter for updates: @yuki_o7

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that is sexy, can't use it, but it's sexy none the less
That looks mighty elegant. 8)
Released v1.2

.iOS 4.3.x support
.code cleanup #2, no external scripts anymore
.SD support for sliders
.fixed font, using Helvetica instead of HelveticaNeue
!note: a bunch of fonts aren't working because they weren't converted correctly for HelveticaNeue

Upcoming features:
*most likely in v1.2.1
.12-hour clock version
.clock without displaying seconds version
.tap to unlock version
!there will be more packages in the next release for each version
Using this now, i changed LockBackground.png and the location though x)
*update v1.2.1
.12-hour clock
.clock without displaying seconds (for both 24-hour and 12-hour clock)
.Tap to unlock
!Just replace the LockBackground.html for the version you want from the Extra folder
!Tap to unlock: Replace the folder \Bundles\com.apple.TelephonyUI with the one from the Extra folder

*update v1.2.2
.fixed 12-hour clock (with seconds)
.fixed tap to unlock

If you like my work, you can always donate. I'm currently needing the money for college, since i have to pay a monthly fee.
Here is the paypal link:

[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]

Follow me on twitter for updates: @yuki_o7

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Looks nice:)
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