Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Namco Press Conf.
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Stuffs in it:
Dark Souls (a new Demon's Souls)
Ace Combat Assault Horizon. Out this Oct.
Tekken Blood Vengeance, 3D CG movie, out this summer.
Soul Calibur V. new stuffs.
Armored Core V, this Oct in japan, early next year for the west.
Tales of Abyss for 3DS.
also naruto , dragon ball.

so I'm a bit disappoint the tekken news wasn't a new game, but the trailer looks awesome nonetheless, the credits is full of super stars. plus it's out soon. gonna love this <3

also Armored Core. =D PEW PEW
wait. SC5?

so much for SC4 being the last one.
None of my interest,. :( mebbe armored Core though
Tales of the Abyss 3DS interests me, hehehe

and woah, Tekken 3D movie? hehee (i hope its better than the old yeah 2D Tekken Anime Movie)
is soul calibur 5 gonna be available on psp?

tekken 3d cg seems interesting
Soul Calibur 5 is gonna be good. I just watched the trailer for Tekken and now I can't wait for it. Gonna be good stuff.
lol its funny how Harada said for the last Tekken (americanized) movie

Quote:Tekken project director Katsuhiro Harada noted, "There was an odd movie made by Hollywood already, but please forget about it. (laughs)"


oh and some says the new Ace Combat game will be in 3D! so i hopes its for 3DS, yay

^ oh there was a small team working on Ace Combat for 3DS. so a separate game i guess
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