Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASED] 6.38 ME-3 for 01g, 02g by Neur0n
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Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Nice. Can I update directly from 6.38 ME-2 or will I have to uninstall it?

flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Directly update from ME-2 via network update my friend :=)

Uuuuhhh, 1 problem. I CAN'T GET ON THE INTERNET.
then download it from here
thanks for the news

glad to see new update for 6.38 from neur0n :)
MY network update says there aren't any updates lol
sweet thanks for the update.
Nice to see that neur0n is still on it....
So... what I gather that is if I'm running 6.38 ME-2 I can run the updater from it. I'm afraid of bricking my friend's PSP.
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]So... what I gather that is if I'm running 6.38 ME-2 I can run the updater from it. I'm afraid of bricking my friend's PSP.

you should be able too
back in the days of like 3.6 m33 + you use to be able to use the network updater to update custom firmware but like I said I tried to use the network update and it just told me there were no updates to install...

so I just did it manually in the end lol
K, thanks.
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