Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASED] CustomHome BETA 0.3
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[Image: 0000.png]
CustomHOME BETA 0.3 has been released by ABCanG as part of PSP Genesis Competition.

"CustomHOME" is the plugin that makes HOME MENU more convenient.

beta 0.3
[fix]You don't need restart after changing.
[add]Add restart game function.(this function disabled when you use "Prometheus Iso Loader".)
[update]Fixed to show all games(There are some flickers of the screen and noises of the sound.)
[add]The game name is displayed.
[add]Customizable dates format is now available!
[change]PSPGo and PS1 are not support.

beta 0.2
[add]The volume and brightness are displayed.
[add]The language change support.(Japanese or English.)
[add]The button change support.(you need restart after changing.)

cool thanks for the news
Plugin looks pretty cool, though I haven't tested it.
Thanks :)
[Image: subit.png]

Developer ABCanG and participant in the PSP Genesis Competition released a plugin that will make our HOME menu in a more attractive and functional, adding information on the PSP, the game, the battery and how to suspend the PSP options in a menu where before could leave the game.

The plugin allows
Exit to XMB
Restart the game
Suspend PSP
Back to game
Set it up in two different languages. Japanese or English
See percentage of battery life
See the exact brightness of the screen
View the name of the game you're playing

Updates 0.3 beta
* No need to reboot after changing settings
* Added function to reset (Disabled when using Prometheus ISO Loader)
* Now shows all games
* Shows the name of the game


Via » wololo.net/talk
What is actually this plugin do??Does it replace the home menu?? Erk
Rea_pErz Wrote: [ -> ]What is actually this plugin do??Does it replace the home menu?? Erk

Yes.  And it adds some extra nifty features.   Madwin
I hate to bump and all, but heres what the next version should look like, imo :3
[Image: 1XF2x.png]
waitwut, the image broked
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]I hate to bump and all, but heres what the next version should look like, imo :3
[Image: 1XF2x.png]

Wow it look's so cool!
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