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Full Version: Looking for decent popstation psX games
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Alright so essentially I'm grounded from the computer, well not grounded. I'm just not allowed to play computer games for a while. So I'm going to look back to the old psX classics for now (or maybe some new games for psp if they are good enough.

I kind of want something with a story that was a fun play. (right now I'm really thinking of final fantasy 9 or something (maybe I'll go play 7 since it's such a classic))
I want a longer type of game that sort of has a purpose to it.
so the base question is
What was your favorite psX game (preferably one that works with popstation) that matches this criteria?
castlevania symphony of the night
frogger (im serious... play it)
metal gear solid
marvel superheroes vs streetfighter
megaman x4
pacman world
rugrats search for reptar

you sound like you have never owned a ps1 to enjoy all of the good games
I was like 5-8 years old when I was truly into psx games maybe around the age of 11 I started buying games but that was still only the 3rd grade I actually use to play outside and have friends and most of the games I bought were cheap clearance peices of poo poo. Not exactly the gems of the psx generation.

so yes, I hardly ever played any of the psx games which is why I figure it might be good to sit back and enjoy them now
crash bandicoot 1-3
kula world
digimon world
pandemonium 1-2
Legend of Dragoon

The only one I can think of that wasn't already named.
Spyro (any), Tomba, FFIX, Spiderman (believe it or not), FF Tactics, I really like Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories for some reason, Crash Bandicoot (any), Red Alert (any), Twisted Metal 2 and 4, Marvel VS Capcom, I think Obscure was out for the PS1 but I'm not sure, Resident Evil (any)....I really enjoyed the PS1.
Try Doom Final. Many hours of monsters killing and really good controled by the psp , i don't like shooters on the PS consoles but YES Doom.
Oh man...

Brave Fencer Musashi
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Origins
Final Fantasy Tactics
Harmful Park
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius
Metal Gear Solid
Parasite Eve
Star Ocean 2
Tactics Ogre
Tales of Phantasia
Threads of Fate
Valkyrie Profile
Wild Arms 2
Zanac X Zanac
there so many good games on PS1, maybe ill list it here

Chrono Cross (my favorite game of all time)
Suikoden 1 and 2
Legend of Legaia
Legend of Dragoon
Megaman Legends 1 and 2
Metal Gear Solid
Brave Fencer Mushashi
Breath of Fire IV
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny II (Tales of Eternia)
Tactics Ogre
Star Ocean 1 and 2
Dragon Warrior 7
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
The Granstream Saga
Resident Evil 1, 2, 3
Silent Hill
Parasite Eve 1 and 2
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Valkyrie Profile
Persona 1 and 2
Arc the Lad

well i don't remember some though, hehehe
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