03/05/2011, 03:09 PM
![[Image: PSPInstaller-6.jpg]](http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd37/thirty5tech/PSPInstaller-6.jpg)
= PSPInstaller 6 has just been updated and release . PSPInstaller 6 is the latest PSP Homebrew Application to be release for the
PSP Genesis Competition 2011. PSPInstaller 6 is a new PSP Homebrew Sotre where users could easily download homebrews
applications, Homebrews Games and themes plus a few more stuff for your PSP . PSPInstaller 6 is homebrew store that users
will find very useful and handy . There has been a lot of PSP homebrew Store homebrew release in the past, But this one seem
to be the only one very activate lately and constantly being updated by PSP Developer Spike_132000 and his team. PSP Installer 6
has been signed, So there is no need to have a PSP Custom Firmware or Homebrew Enabler installed on your PSP , Even though
PSPInstaller 6 does offer Signed Homebrews , There are some homebrews which are not signed and consider unsigned which does
requires users to have a PSP Custom Firmware or Homebrew Enabler PSP in order to run the unsigned homebrew application downloaded
from PSP Installer 6.
Quote:Developer Statement
An all in one downloader and installer for PSP Homebrew, Themes, Pictures and Utilities
- PSPInstaller is not and unfortunately may never be compatible with any games catagories plugin. I advise you disable this plugin while
using pspinstaller.
- This is an initial release so there may be bugs in there somewhere, I have tried my hardest to get them but if they are there, report
them to me and I will work on them ASAP!
- Progress Bars for Download
- New Interface
- New Sounds
- Cleaner Code (More code recycling!)
- Working Update System
PSPInstaller 6
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