Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CFW on PSP 1004 - Few problems / looking for advice
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I got a PSP 1004 Fat
it has 5.00 m33-4 on it
i tried running isos on it but the don't start up.

i had a friend who knows someone with a pandora battery hack it.

so now iam looking around to try and figure out how to get the isos running.
any help appriciated...

point me to the guides and i read them and such...

a few people adviced me to update to 6.20 pro 5-b (or so)
can i do that easly without the pandora etc?

thanks for your help and patience...
If hes only just freshly hacked it then you need to open up the vsh menu in the xmb by pressing select, scrolling down to iso mode and changing it off normal to something like the m33 driver or the sony driver.

If its already on a proper iso driver then your probably trying to run a recent game that m33 cannot manually decrypt. It which case yea you need to move to a new firmware.

follow this guide: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=26342
hi i updated the 5.00 m33-4 to 5.00m33-6 and use this plugin now


works now - thanks for your help nevertheless
the best is u should update to 6.20 PRO B-5 ITS all NEW

here u GO
The TuT


The files

is it possible to downgrade a 2004 PSP with OFW 6.38 to 6.30?
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]is it possible to downgrade a 2004 PSP with OFW 6.38 to 6.30?

no need just update it to this:

The 6.38 does not work perfectly if any one plugin is enabled

U can downgrade 6.38 to 5.00 m33-4 By using pandora and magic memory stick The TUTS r available on U tube :)
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