Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] PowerFlashLight + v2.0
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[Image: bt3jcvvmu2ob9zcik.bmp]

The developer MixeryM @ xe releases a new version of PowerFlashLite + , plug-ins created to transform your PSP into a flashlight, but as has been enriched by more "nice" functions, such as check buttons, a pixel-fixer, power on / off LED, and more.
The new 2.0 release allows more configuration possibilities (again through the PFLconfig.txt), add text and improves the analog meter in general, change management enabling the manipulation of the menu options on the screen. In addition, the code has been cleaned for a more light and adds features like the ability to hide the MAC.
More info to follow.

Add Some Hardware / Config-Infos to PFLmenu (dis-enable "MenuInfo" in PFLconfig.txt)
Add to ButtonTester Analog-Pad again (some problems solved)
Change menu handling (especial Display handling)
Now you can change in small steps Display-Brightness
Code cleaned » resource-saving
Add to my favorite colors Menu
Add to HideMAC config (get a funny one)
Add-Direct launch from XMB Eboot

Flashlight-on XMB
Pixel Fixer-on-XMB
Button-Tester-on XMB
-LED 's on / off (Power, MS, WLAN)
-Display on / off
-Display-Brightness-level min / max
AntiUser-Mode (with or shutdown the PSP back to XMB, in PFLconfig.txt edit) NEW
PSP-shutdown (LEDs blink one times)
PSP-Coldreset (LEDs blink two times)
VSH-Restart (HEN for user (LEDs blink three times))
-Disable Auto-LED's
Infotext-Dis-Enable (only on Flashlight)
-BTcolor_bg (Color of Buttontester (background), can choose Between 5 colors.Black, White, Red, Blue, Green)
-BTcolor_tx (Color of Buttontester (text), can choose Between 5 colors.Black, White, Red, Blue, Green)
-AntiUserShutdown (Blue Screen after shutdown (1) or back to the XMB (0)) NEW
-AutoAntiUser (AntiUser mode on start up with with 1.Disable 0) NEW


"I must never buy a D.S again" LOL
The Patriot Wrote: [ -> ]"I must never buy a D.S again" LOL

Glad you like the picture..
This picture is from QJ^^
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]This picture is from QJ^^

flofrucht, you can go to http://www.qj.net?
lol, yes.. why not?
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]lol, yes.. why not?

I have problem with Qj, i can't acces the site.
Yeah, lol @ background - I'm surprised the user can read much with it though.

Can't comment much on the homebrew though :/
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