Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Words w/ friends!
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invite a ninja


Go go go

What this is?
Its a scrabble knock off app that lets iphone/itouch and android users play seemlessly
Oh OK. I'm not very good at thos kind of games. Emptyone
iDontHaveAnIPhone :D

I'm up for games that work over Android/iPhone though.
Im not good either but its an awesome time killer

Wat kinda phone you got sensei
Way Too High Wrote: [ -> ]Wat kinda phone you got sensei

Galaxy S on Android 2.2 :<
Words with Friends is on Android too, it turns out. On as Senseito7 - let's play :3
I got it on my phone [Image: icon_smile.gif]

Also, username : eKusoshisut0
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