26/04/2011, 03:48 AM
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]Well V1 you should stay silent about it , now they ll hax in to your pc in search of the hen.... my dearthey have to pass my router,. and my firewall,. O_o
I've seen that you and hackman have the copy based on this second interview, anyways great that wee have a bug tester for TN's firmware (though its bad it won't be released), and i taught you and that person TN mentioned are not the same, lol
anyways more people who are pissed with this announcement are the once who want some iso loading feature in their psp (which is why some people go to PRO cfw rather than TN cfw because of greater iso loader compatibility)Spoiler:After the big news with the kernel mode exploit in the OFW 6.38, gave Total_Noob me also the opportunity to conduct a short interview with him.
In the interview he has given us once again surprised to see Especially the questions and answers in red!
You're 15, right? When did you birthday?
One day in January.
What started you on the with the PSP?
My first plugin was hold music. After some time came DayView, Ultimate VSH Menu, XMB Icon Manager and dozens of other plugins, I have always been interested in patching / Hooking.
From what did you dare to something like a HEN?
Prior to the announcement from 6.20 TN-A I could not even reverse correctly. That is, I could only understand and reverse control system during development.
How long did it take (see Incl. Kmod Xploit) the HEN to make up for release on 12/24/2010?
As of October, I had worked all weekend on it.
What was your first thought on the PRO HEN?
Nice, ISO loader
How do you stand on the PRO CFW, Especially for 6.20er version?
For me, no matter, but alas I see my features in there ....
Is the PRO CFW from your point of view and from 'borrowed' code ?
I was angry that no one had mentioned PRO - that was the kernel exploit to me.
What was your first thought to the TN-D Permanent?
Nice, I will try it 10 minutes later - damn bricked.
What was it with the Bricken your PSP? (Please describe in detail how it bricked what you had done before, etc.)
I found the Perma-Patch **** and wanted to restore vshmain. No idea why, but I could not turn PSPgo, and recovery.prx I could not access.
What is (Sold, in the trash, etc.) with your old Go
It is with dust in the closet xD
Why a new Go?
I think the PSPgo very practical and image quality is umpteen times better.
Do you have other than the PSP's new Go?
Yop, PSP-1000 and PSP-2000, all at 6:38 OFW.
Starting when you've been looking for a 6:37 + Kmod Xploit?
When I got my new PSP Go with firmware 6.38.
How long did it take?
Ca. a week oh, by the way, I'm not one, I 2 Kxploits .
Why are you on OFW 6:38? Can you downgrade?
Clear downgrade I can, but since I'm on 6:38, then I do ne CFW / HEN it: D
Will you make another more detailed video clips on the new HEN?
Why should I? Is anyway not released. Maybe if 6:38 TN-A 100% complete ...
Are you a beta tester or help in coding HEN?
Yes, Hackman and Vegetano1. Therefore, TN-E 6:20 was a bit buggy at that time because they had tested it enough xD
As you can see it has done it again and even Total_Noob 2 kernel mode exploits found in the current Sony OFW.
Besides the thing with the PlayStation Notwork will now add the problems too.
[Google Translated]
source: http://www.pspking.de/forum/showthread.php?tid=40819
Nah he is talking about me and hackman did beta testing for 620TN but yeah wee both got a copy of 638TN-E :)
Here is some other news,. he also tells that he got 2 exploits and he can downgrade a 638 PSP(3000/Go) but he is now on 638 so he had decided to make a 638HEN,..
he also says that mebbe he will release 638TN if its 100%,.. so that's good news

edit: i wanted to repsnd,. but the thread is closed,.