nice.... i really love this game and played both japanese and US version
made a thread about it as well (in local forum),,, some posters complained about couldn't open PSN to get the DLC
i hope this will satisfy them =)
ok i Dl'd the DLC now where in the balls do i put it?
What's a DLC Pack? (yeah, I really don't know xD)
teosama Wrote: [ -> ]What's a DLC Pack? (yeah, I really don't know xD)
DLC = Downloaded Content
Yeah, but, what? New missions?
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]ok i Dl'd the DLC now where in the balls do i put it?
i read on your signature that you're using 6.35 PRO,,
just put the ULUS10563 folder in PSP/GAME/ and enable NoDRM in recovery menu
this worked on me
teosama Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, but, what? New missions?
9 new missions (3 are available when you reach diff.9, the rest only when you've beaten the game)
2 new bosses
2 new weapon sets (1 set = 1 gun, 1 blade, 1 shield)
i don't know how many new upgrade parts, i think it's around 5-10
1 new costume for each gender
can you make LBP PSP DLC decrypted ?? I really want puchased items :)
Wow! this is great, tnx for sharing
OK but how do i access the missions and evrything else? the only thing i have seen is the cat ears hairstyle thing