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Please guyz im new into the android.Got my hands on a Google HTC
and lately saw the qr codes but im not able to undersatnd them.
Can somebody explain me hot to use the qrcodes. I saw it also here on EP
somewhere , if  iremember correctly Joomla put one with some app.

I tried reading it with the barcode app.
And also i tried google but i couldnt find no good How to.

Any help appreciated.

Example :

QR codes are like barcodes, but they use two axes to get information.
If you know how a barcode works, imagine that, but with an x axis and a y axis instead of just an x axis.

To read them, find an app or whatever that uses your camera to decipher and read the data in a QR code. Usually you have to take the QR code, and fit the edges of it with the markings on the screen for it to read properly.
Go to the Market and get "Barcode Scanner". That's all you need.

You can then use the codes to get info, links and downloads wherever relevant.

The QR you posted goes to MalcolmHall.com
Thanks guys. Well i have the barcode scanner , but it didnt read the information.
Ok ill try again.
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