jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]ok so i am believing that the theme use
for the once you have was a different one
the one without the Extras this is way it looks
mess up for you guys,but 638 is well converted
it includes the extras. guess you'll have to update
to use it.
Well, if I change the region to debug type 1, the extras tab will appear.. But, to be frankly, i hate seeing that extras tab because it makes my menu becomes longer :) But then i found another theme - Hatsune miku (not mine) which have extras menu but somehow it skip the extras tab.. Can u edit yuki snow theme to behave the same as this theme? I really love yuki theme and really hope that u can help me.. by the way i used 6.39 pro b 10 psp 3006
ps: I've attached the hatsune miku theme that i mention above... thanks in advance
Can someone Convert this theme for 6.60 CFWs?
i did converted a while ago just was not release,
Yuki Snow.660
jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]ok so i am believing that the theme use
for the once you have was a different one
the one without the Extras this is way it looks
mess up for you guys,but 638 is well converted
it includes the extras. guess you'll have to update
to use it.
Can you explain more about this ? How I could make the menu look normal again.
Please,I'm new to psp
N_desu Wrote: [ -> ]jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]ok so i am believing that the theme use
for the once you have was a different one
the one without the Extras this is way it looks
mess up for you guys,but 638 is well converted
it includes the extras. guess you'll have to update
to use it.
Can you explain more about this ? How I could make the menu look normal again.
Please,I'm new to psp
normal like in the original theme?
to do that disable CXMB plugin and reset VSH
by pressing select and click where it says reset vsh
you will see psp will be back to original theme.
but tell you the true CTF themes are the best themes
Psp has,so the question is why would i go back to Original theme XD
jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]i did converted a while ago just was not release,
Yuki Snow.660
can you re-upload this theme for 6.60 ???
my pc broke on me,and all the ctf themes i got them
but in and external HD that at this moment i can't access
as iam not on a pc,iam on my psvita now. i will try when i get
a chance to upload the theme,if someone had the opportunity
to get Please reupload my theme here.