Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Yuki Snow for 6.20 + 6.38/6.39
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after i disable all plugin, now its work.VERY NICE theme.thanks
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Cool i can see whot you did ;) the busy icon isn't very hard to make,. i am thinking of making some small tutoriols on how to make a custom busy icon or battery,.. and or main icons(dock like in ORGAN theme),..

there is also a very good template made by TSENEDA here:

the snow animation made by PATPAT is awesome,. i tried to use the tool he used but its very complicated,. couldn't get it to work,.

PatPat and Tseneda def made very nice animations Adore i like all there theme's :)

i should have added these too!,. :
Guide to RCOmage and Animation-Updated(V1.1)

[Tutorial] Animate Rco´s

its really not to difficult,. once you understand the basics,. but yeah there could be some trouble on the way,.. like running out of resources,.. or typo's you didn't find,..
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Cool i can see whot you did ;) the busy icon isn't very hard to make,. i am thinking of making some small tutoriols on how to make a custom busy icon or battery,.. and or main icons(dock like in ORGAN theme),..

there is also a very good template made by TSENEDA here:

the snow animation made by PATPAT is awesome,. i tried to use the tool he used but its very complicated,. couldn't get it to work,.

PatPat and Tseneda def made very nice animations Adore i like all there theme's :)

i should have added these too!,. :
Guide to RCOmage and Animation-Updated(V1.1)

[Tutorial] Animate Rco´s

its really not to difficult,. once you understand the basics,. but yeah there could be some trouble on the way,.. like running out of resources,.. or typo's you didn't find,..

i didn't know about the pdf Facepalm
thanks for the advice, i hope my next theme is gonna be MUCH better Yay


added v.1.01,,, very minor updates Facepalm
eznoir, i had converted this theme to 6.39 ME, add it into ur 1st post, working

bug: top bar missing

download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5uvl4pp903e943j
SonicTheHedgehog Wrote: [ -> ]eznoir, i had converted this theme to 6.39 ME, add it into ur 1st post, working

bug: top bar missing

download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5uvl4pp903e943j

do u mean top bar on usb? yeah, i accidentally deleted the animation Facepalm

thanks anyway,, I'll fix it first before reupload the new one
ok done..... updated the theme on first page

big thanks to sonic
eznoir Wrote: [ -> ]added for 6.38 and 6.39
Converted by SonicTheHedgehog. Some minor updates by me

Working fine but somehow the menu changes.. i mean the extras menu become photos, photos become music, music become video and so on.. can u tell me what is the causes of this problem thanks..
Did you check regions???
maybe you have it in a region
that the theme was not made for
try to use another,by the way convert
this to 660:

Yuki Snow.660
yumm Wrote: [ -> ]Working fine but somehow the menu changes.. i mean the extras menu become photos, photos become music, music become video and so on.. can u tell me what is the causes of this problem thanks..

I have exactly the same error like yumm,mine is PSP 3006.

What the hell is going on.
ok so i am believing that the theme use
for the once you have was a different one
the one without the Extras this is way it looks
mess up for you guys,but 638 is well converted
it includes the extras. guess you'll have to update
to use it.
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