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Full Version: 6.38 Kernel Exploit by Total Noob
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The title says it all. Just saw this on youtube and thought I'd share it with you guys
Source: YouTube

Sad part is he says in the description that he won't be releasing itWhyowhy
Good to know, but bad that he won't release it.

But I understand him, everyone is flaming him because his HEN has no ISO Loader.
It doesn't look stable to have a LCFW yet.
True. It's sad how people just can't be content with the wonderful cfw, lcfw, and Hens this devs work so hard to make and share with us. And even then they ask nothing from us in return
I guess it's not fully stable firmware, so he won't release it yet.
He should keep it until the NGP gets released... Drink
Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]True. It's sad how people just can't be content with the wonderful cfw, lcfw, and Hens this devs work so hard to make and share with us. And even then they ask nothing from us in return

i agree - i used to make stuff for free for the people and got virtually nothing but flames so i completly sympathise.

i wish people would just be greatfull for the stuff they get handed for free.
Anger Wrote: [ -> ]i wish people would just be greatfull for the stuff they get handed for free.

lol so true Heyyou
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]But I understand him, everyone is flaming him because his HEN has no ISO Loader.

wich is stupid because there is an very good aloader v1.25,.. i guess ignorance is bliss. its evn better to use a iso loader plugin,.... IMO just like HEN,..

and they miss out on one of the best cfw's evr made Facepalm

bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]He should keep it until the NGP gets released... Drink

good thinking Hoho
Yeah, it kinda sucks that the pioneer is the one being flamed; if he never did the work he did, none of the kiddies would have their iso loaders and such.

Such is the way of the world, ignorance is everywhere, it's something wee all need to deal with really.

Props to the man, I assume he really does do this as a hobby. ;)
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