Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know how to tell what's hackable by looking at the box, but what I can tell you is:
Any PSP can be hacked if it is 6.35 OFW or below as of this writing.
(meaning that there are publicly released exploits for these firmwares)
ok cool thanks for the info
I read theres a 6.20 permanent CFW which sounds like something i'd prefer.
When I do get a GO I'll just bring it back home & see what FW it has,
if it's not the FW I want I'll just return it & try again ;)
Nothingface420 Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know how to tell what's hackable by looking at the box, but what I can tell you is:
Any PSP can be hacked if it is 6.35 OFW or below as of this writing.
(meaning that there are publicly released exploits for these firmwares)
ok cool thanks for the info 
I read theres a 6.20 permanent CFW which sounds like something i'd prefer.
When I do get a GO I'll just bring it back home & see what FW it has,
if it's not the FW I want I'll just return it & try again ;)
just say you want to check the screen for dead pixels before you buy the Go,...
Also if you got the PSP-Go,. i wouldn't install a permanent patch,. its to risky on a PSP-Go TN bricked a PSP-Go with a permanent patch,. best to use 620TN-E IMO,..
I'm sure it would be reasonable for you to ask the store person to bring out the PSP and let you see the firmware. After all, you only need to pay for what you expect (consumer protection laws). If you expected FW6.20 and it comes with FW6.37, you can complain that you didn't get what you expected, so long as you've made it clear to the store of your expectation.
If the store person simply refuses to let you see no matter what (shouldn't be the case), then just tell them you'll find another store that will (and do that if they still refuse).
I just bought and returned my PSP until i got the FW i wanted lol
The don't let you open it unless you buy it over here.
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]I just bought and returned my PSP until i got the FW i wanted lol
The don't let you open it unless you buy it over here.
Can you drive a car before you had buy it??
COOKIES!! but no test run