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Full Version: PSP Go to America: I'm not dead (yet)
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[Image: psp-go-to-america-im-not-dead-yet_o-ndt_0.jpg]

It looks like proclamations of the PSP Go's demise may have been a bit premature. While it does appear that Japan and Europe are giving up on the downloadable content-only device, Sony of America told our good friends at Joystiq that the UMD-less PSP is still a "go" in North America. Production and sales will continue, presumably until wee can get our greasy paws on the NGP this holiday season.

Via » http://www.ngpheaven.com/viewtopic.php?id=6 ...
I had love my Go !
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I had love my Go !

Me to, since it is hacked If
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I had love my Go !

Me to, since it is hacked If

Wait!?!?!IfIf:if:You All Got The Go Too... AWESOME!!!! sorry i asked a couple of times if anyone else has a PSPGo but no one answered... hey what and where do i find the M2 card thing?
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I had love my Go !

Me to, since it is hacked If

Wait!?!?!IfIf:if:You All Got The Go Too... AWESOME!!!! sorry i asked a couple of times if anyone else has a PSPGo but no one answered... hey what and where do i find the M2 card thing?
Glad to see people showing some luv for the GoAdore
You can get an M2 card at Best Buy that's where I go my 16gb
You serious? my Best Buy where i live never has them.
Yep got it for $70. I live in Las Vegas
I bought it one day after the release hehe ^^=)^^
Me too Hihi
i bought it from a music store called Dimples. It was still seal in the box, the bow wasn't touched i was stoked. hacked it the day i got it.
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