Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] (b)oxygen 6.20/6.35/6.37
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thanks for this!! I like its simplicity
Hey guys,

It's been years. I just got a PSP Go tonight, and I want my theme on it! I can't believe someone converted it! Thanks, Able one. :)

Anyway, some of the tutorials and poo poo are confusing, so I wanted to know what custom firmware I need and what OFW update I should be on to get this theme. I'm trying to do my research, but it's kinda confusing - I see if you're going to update to 6.60, you need 6.60 Pro-B9, but this theme only works on 6.20, 6.35, etc.


Thanks for the help!
You can update your psp go till 6.60PRO-B10.
and about the themes all wee have to do is to wait. i know somebody can convert this to 6.60.
So this theme won't work on a PSP Go? :s I'm on 6.20 Pro-B9 right now.

Nevermind, I figured it out. No one tells you you have to add the theme name to the config file in the theme folder or whatever folder it was. I can't remember now. But I got it sorted. :)
Can has 6.60 version and different waves? kthx
Thank you for all the themes. I need help. My psp freezes everytime I click the music/photo icon. While my psp theme is OVI Revolution 3d. Sadist
yah this theme is cool.i have alreadyused this theme in my psp 6.20 pro-b10..
Umm... Psp Go extras (resume game and something to for the internal memory) on the 6.60 version please
and umm... I want to remove the waves on the wallpaper Nod
can someone convert to 6.39?
Currently using it. It's really nice and simple. Thanks.
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