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Full Version: [PSP Genesis] 6.20 and 6.35 PRO-B5 Fix - A fix for these Custom Firmwa
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Virtuous Flame and Coldbird, Chinese and European developers, working for several months to develop a non-permanent custom firmware, the 6.35 PRO. Over the updates, the program has gained in features and stability, and has expanded to land on firmware 6.20 (6.20 forming the PRO). The latter can be permanently installed on the PSP through a dedicated patch, which is not the case with 6.35 PRO.

[Image: 0901B000F500345827.jpg]

Yesterday, our two friends put online a new revision to their two custom firmware. However, several bugs have arisen, making it impossible to install programs, playing some tough games, etc.. Some returns were even mentioned semi-bricks.

Both developers have worked hard to find the source of errors, and arrived at the following result: the kernel is the cause. As a result, they were able to upload a patch that would correct most problems.

[Image: 0901B000F500345823.jpg]

[Image: 0901B000F500345825.jpg]

[Image: 6-20-6-35-pro-b5-014_0901E0011000345826.jpg][attachment=4980][attachment=4981]
anyone tested this?
going to test it now!!!
I'm going to test it after dinner.
enjoy your dinner! :D... i have it al ready in my psp( i have 6.20pro B5 1g PSP(PHAT) AND IS RUNNING FLAWLESLY AT THE MOMENT
gonna test this after work... on my PSP Go and Slim.
Great work! nice to see a fix so quickly!

by the way
DeathAngel74 Wrote: [ -> ]Virtuous and Flame Coldbird
Thanks, lol. I tested it, it's faster than the 2 other previous releases.
mmm a noob question? wee need pops laoder to run psone games? be couse a a cuple of games i want to load it just foze at some point of the game?
Oooohhh It Works With My Go...
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