Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey :) !! i like my PSP-Go :)
I don't own anything apart from the best PSPs out there,
1000 and GO!
i'd consider the Monster Hunter Edition PSP3000, but after my friend complained about the scanlines, I'm convinced the GO is the best one :P by far
oh and the GO monitor is superior to the 3000 in sooo many ways xD
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey :) !! i like my PSP-Go :)
I don't own anything apart from the best PSPs out there,
1000 and GO!
i'd consider the Monster Hunter Edition PSP3000, but after my friend complained about the scanlines, I'm convinced the GO is the best one :P by far
oh and the GO monitor is superior to the 3000 in sooo many ways xD
The PSP-2000 is good for 550gen and 500m33 ;)
and yes i also skipped the 3000 because the screen supposed to be sucking air hard