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I found a .CTF Wiki while surfing around.


It is in Japanese only though..
Maybe someone should make an English .CTF Wiki ?    Hoho
Wow I went there (Google translation of course) and found really nice themes.
WOOT! that's good news :)

i don't think there is any other console with more Custom Theme's then the PSP ;)
Interesting.  I think it would probably be better to contribute to one of the more general PSP wikis though?
Ah yeah I think I had found this some time ago but had completely forgot about it for some reason :/

(their url redirecting doesn't seem to work lol XD)
Mebbe no Wiki but i was thinking about a new section on EP,. >>PSP Customization>>CFW's

all cfw's 500m3 -- 638ME in different threads with some basic compatible plugins,.. and the 635 downgrader stickied...

other related cfw stuff can be posted here aswell,..
Some things I could do:
- thread prefixes (also with filter)
- I could install a wiki, though only really if someone can really show an advantage of it over a more generic PSP wiki out there
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Some things I could do:
- thread prefixes (also with filter)
- I could install a wiki, though only really if someone can really show an advantage of it over a more generic PSP wiki out there

the thing is with all the updates there are loads of threads about the same cfw's,.. for a NOOB this can be very confuzzeling,.

the prefix sounds good,. but can't be a must,. because not all threads in this forum are about PSP scene,.. or you had have to make loads of prefixes,..(section specific) ;p,.. i am not sure whot you mean with a filter,..

A wiki,. i dunno,. i like when there are new cfw's,. but i would nvr need a download for say 340OE,..
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