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A new theme SonyPOWER for you ,a present for Easter ;)
[Image: 2ds3g2o.jpg]
[Image: wcbtjt.png]
-A nice gameboot
-3D look
-PS3 Custom Waves
-A lot of blinking sub icons

Credits :

5.50 - https://rapidshare.com/files/457828989/SonyPOWER550.ctf
6.20 - http://www.mediafire.com/?bfiwc2ff30r9e5z
6.35 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SVW8RRL0
6.37 - http://www.girlshare.ro/2078037.5
I haven't tried out this theme,
but i have a feeling it's mostly made up of Sony Mmod.
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't tried out this theme,
but i have a feeling it's mostly made up of Sony Mmod.
I have taked the 3D efect from Sony Mmod ;)
hey, 635CTF don't work, its corrupted ??????
Neri0n Wrote: [ -> ]hey, 635CTF don't work, its corrupted ??????
I have problem with windows , try to convert the theme again and it will work and if u can upload and put it here ;)
i am reporting you for stealing Vegetano1's Sony Mod side bar and infobar and claiming it as urs
SonicTheHedgehog Wrote: [ -> ]i am reporting you for stealing Vegetano1's Sony Mod side bar and infobar and claiming it as urs

Sonic , he credited V1 in the first post. So its far good for us.
Im sure Vegetano will agree.

Edit : so its a rip off from sony_mod , wow Hiding_something
might be lockin soon
Please mention what exactly you took from V1 and others so it is more clear to us that you are crediting them.

* diego goes back to lurking
Didn't want to play/be the bad-mod again,. but i def hate to see these half-arsed rip-off's,.. there is a difference between using some files or using a whole theme at once and change some stuff,.. i had really hate to make this difference,..

I had really liked whot i did with sony_Mmod and took me hours/days/weeks to make the theme,..  people should try to make there own theme's,. trust me when i say its much more fun,...

No prob when people are converting the theme although this theme can't really be converted 100% if you don't know whot your doing,. so they also turn up the way the are not supposed to be,.. anyway who gives,..
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