Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CustomHome beta v0.11 by ABCanG + translate by Notonlyeyes
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CustomHome beta v0.11 by ABCanG + translate by Notonlyeyes
( Original + src + translate English and Italian )

I just stumbled across this while casually surfing.
It looks like a plugin that does just as it says - gives the user a custom HOME screen with programmable hot keys and more features than the original HOME screen.

Project Home Page: HERE

Translation Released: HERE
that's different.
This is really neat. Thanks for the heads up MR.Shizzy Madwin
in game xmb?
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]in game xmb?

Thanks Mr. Shizzy...by Notonlyeyes
Thanks,. that's way cool Hihi

have you tried the plugin,. and for whot cfw is this?

Does this work ingame?
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