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Hi 6.20 & 6.35 PRO will get more updates. Yay
Wee will publish PRO-B5, mainly for PRO-B 4 in a number of bug fixes. Such as:

[!] Patapon run in Inferno mode
[!] Version.txt compatible with Windows line breaks
[!] 6.20 on a USB charging

There is also a new feature:
[+] Download replacing browser, you can download to the / ISO directory

Hmm, wasn't it possible to change the download location before?
Haven't used the webbrowser in ages...

Otherwise, download ISOs directly, interesting.
what about savedata corruption?
Theres a lot of things I want and wish to ask, so I msg Coldbird on wololo.net... No reply...

-Fix the Wlan led so it blinks during data transfer again.
-Fix custom update server.
-Fix PSN games with Inferno driver.
-Fix 6XX folder it does not show games on my PSP. (Don't know if that was not made or planned.)
-Fix version.txt (it shows up but doesn't block Sony updates and it doesn't trick games.)
-Slim colors patch for PSP 1000 with the 13-27 colors patched in as well. (So noobs don't touch there flash0, lol.)
-Option to turn vsh menu on or off, but have it reset to normal after full shutdown.
-Pandora Batt. 1000, 2000 in recovery menu.
-Change the recovery menu font color make it feel less like m33 and more like something new.
-Remove location free player and icon, 1000, 2000 in recovery menu.
-Remove cam and icon, 1000, 2000 in recovery menu.
-Hide extras under XMB
-Hide icon0 and snd0 add in recovery menu config for faster game loading, 5.02 GEN had that feature. (Not 5.03)
-Add support for custom boot screens by adding the gameboot.pmf & opening_plugin.rco in the seplugins folder, so it doesn't touch flash.
-ISO Video Mount, or even better by making it load like a normal ISO under video or games.
-Support for .dax instead of eloader.
-Support for LEDA so wee can use 1.50 homebrew.
-Add a custom name_plate.png to resource so when wee go to system menu/about, wee can see the credits of 6.35/6.20 PRO

The things I wish...
My Wish

Support for 5.XX plugins
Power to add more things under Extras
Power to hide things
Pandora Battery and Magic stick under vsh menu for easy downgrading
My Wish...

Women With Built In Wifi... What? that Don't Count?
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]My Wish...

Women With Built In Wifi... What? that Don't Count?

Damn that should count.
Great list of suggestions OMightyBuggy !     Madwin

Things that were not already mentioned that I would like to see:

- POPS Loader
- add .CTF to download to PSP/THEME directory in web browser

And that is all I can think of for now..
Fantastic work by VF and coldbird !!   Yay
yeah i wish popsloader can be used in 6.XX firmwares, as some psx games still don't run in native pops in 6.XX firmwares
I hope VF and Coldbird read EP threads, lol.
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