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Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Ace Attorney/Phoenix Wright series - The odd stab of humor, picking out logical fallacies in testomonies, and murder mysteries. Across at least 3 games.

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - A VN by Cing, centered around a guy called Kyle Hyde. Solve the mystery of Hotel Dusk, and find out why it's relevant to Kyle's problems.
The Last Window: The secret of Cape West - Sequel to Room 215, more puzzles, picking up paperclips and interrogating people for information. Has references to the first game as well as one other game at least. ("I like suits, they're comfy and easy to wear!")

Professor Layton series - Don't be fooled by the cartoony graphics, some of these puzzles are real stumpers. Two games I can think of off the top of my head.

All games mentioned are available in English. They might not be VN enough for you, but you might enjoy them nonetheless.
Thanks .Madwin
I've always heard of Phoenix Wright but never tried it out Facepalm
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]ChuxChu
If Heartless recommends ,I'll definitely check it out Ahaa
Yuki.N Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]ChuxChu
If Heartless recommends ,I'll definitely check it out Ahaa

Not translated.

One method you may use to read untranslated VNs is via automated machine translations.  Here's a guide on how to use AGTH + Translation Aggregator.  NOT recommended though, machine translation quality imo is mostly trash.
yep AGTH works great but most if not all automatic Japanese translation software is poo poo and misinterprets some kanji + more errors
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Now, somebody tell me, does Sengoku Rance qualify as a VN? Never played it, but it's fairly heavy on the ol' hershey kisses, I've heard.

Lololol.  Who told you about that?
I lurk /v/, it gets mentioned every now and again.

I'll keep an eye out for a VN General discussion, I know there's an image which has all these recommendations of VNs on it which crops up in those threads.
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Now, somebody tell me, does Sengoku Rance qualify as a VN? Never played it, but it's fairly heavy on the ol' hershey kisses, I've heard.

Lololol.  Who told you about that?
I lurk /v/, it gets mentioned every now and again.

I'll keep an eye out for a VN General discussion, I know there's an image which has all these recommendations of VNs on it which crops up in those threads.

Go to /jp/

Is this the image you are talking about?
[Image: heKPv.jpg]
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Go to /jp/

Is this the image you are talking about?
[Image: heKPv.jpg]

Lol, that's actually one of the better ones I've seen, because it actually separates the stuff into different categories.

There's like 20 different recommendations pictures floating around.

But most of them are pretty useless imo, because they're basically just lists of like 1/2 of the translated stuff out there, and in some cases, untranslated stuff as well.  You can get the same thing by just going to VNDB and look at the top 20 rated or something.

HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Now, somebody tell me, does Sengoku Rance qualify as a VN? Never played it, but it's fairly heavy on the ol' hershey kisses, I've heard.

Lololol.  Who told you about that?
I lurk /v/, it gets mentioned every now and again.

I'll keep an eye out for a VN General discussion, I know there's an image which has all these recommendations of VNs on it which crops up in those threads.

Go to /jp/

Is this the image you are talking about?
[Image: heKPv.jpg]

Yeah, that was probably it.
I won't hang out at /jp/, though; while the products of GLORIOUS NIPPON are enjoyable in small quantities, I am not eager to completely immerse myself in such a culture.
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, that was probably it.
I won't hang out at /jp/, though; while the products of GLORIOUS NIPPON are enjoyable in small quantities, I am not eager to completely immerse myself in such a culture.

The only way you want to touch /jp/ at all is via the archive (http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/), so you can actually search for stuff you want.  Because 95% of the shit here you wouldn't give a rats donkey about.
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