Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MP3PlayerPlugin v1.5 [Music-Plugin]
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Homebrew dev plum released a new version of the Mp3PlayerPlugin v1.5 for  5.00 M33, 5.03HEN, 5.50GEN, 6.20TN and 6.35 PRO!

With this plugin you're able to hear your own music in PSP games.

Changelog v1.5
Quote:own when you change the volume by pressing the key length can be changed in any emulator software, too HOMEBREW Fixed a bug that freezes was to work

Controls (translated by me):
Quote:L + R + Left / Right = select other songs
2. L + R + [] = Pause
3. L + R + O = Change the order of play (in order, randomly, etc.)
4. L + R + Triangle = Play the song again.
5. L + R + Up / Down = change in volume.



DID you like my thread? So be fair and rep me please ;=)
Thanks Yay
1. Lol, what a translation of the changelog. xD
2. I would love it if this would work on 6.37 ME.
ThePietn1 Wrote: [ -> ]1. Lol, what a translation of the changelog. xD
2. I would love it if this would work on 6.37 ME.
1. That's not my fault, translate it better if you can.
2. I think it works also on 6.37ME, try it out Yay
thanks for the heads up

though this version crashes my 1000 disabled all other plugins and still crashes and tried both lite and full
me too crashes both lite and non-lite............psp 3000 tn-d
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