Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Text (5.50)
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I have finished another theme. Yay
I have named this one, Text. Since there is no icons.

Thanks to:
ZinGaBurga - RCOEditor
Patpat - CTFGui and all other tools!
Dmise - Helping me

And again, it's for 5.50, hopefully my next theme will be for 6.20 as well. Madwin

Anyways, here are the screenshots:
[Image: frmbuf33.jpg]

[Image: frmbuf34.jpg]

[Image: frmbuf35.jpg]

[Image: frmbuf36.jpg]

Enjoy! Adore
Looks very nice! :D
Awsome any chance you can make a 6.35 PRO version?
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Awsome any chance you can make a 6.35 PRO version?

Yea..that will be nice to see.. Madwin
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