Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Finally Owned a 3DS!
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yeah after a year of saving money for this gadget, I've finally have a 3DS, lol, but unfortunately SSFIV3D has always been out of stock in the store ive bought, anyways here are some pictures with my 3DS

[Image: p4040351.jpg]
comparing sizes with my PSP Phat and with 3DS

[Image: p4040354.jpg]

Still comparing sizes, 3DS on top, PSP on bottom

[Image: p4040355.jpg]

Playing Pokemon Black in 3DS

[Image: p4040356.jpg]

The Magic 3DS Box (with the price, in Philippine Peso)

[Image: p4040360.jpg]

Mario Sitting in PSP (The picture is blurred because of my camera, can't fixed that though)

[Image: p4040361.jpg]

[Image: p4040365.jpg]

Mario in Stand Up position

I'm still thinking if i will put the flashcart with it since some says it will cause brick in the 3DS, lol
congratulations man :p
I still don't know how the 3d works on it.
One question. Does taking 3D pics work well?
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I still don't know how the 3d works on it.

the 3D works in "Depth", not with "Pop Out", so if you will look at the 3DS screen, the background will have more depth than the main focus object in front, i can't take a picture with a 3D is on because it will make more blurred because of the effect

xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]One question. Does taking 3D pics work well?

yeah 3D pics works, but you should have a very bright surrounding to avoid noise in the picture, as the camera has only around 0.3 megapixels, not great for a standard camera, but if you will view it in 3D it looks good
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]yeah 3D pics works, but you should have a very bright surrounding to avoid noise in the picture, as the camera has only around 0.3 megapixels, not great for a standard camera, but if you will view it in 3D it looks good

Nice, I'm getting one.

* xero1 starts saving
Try using a R4i-SDHC card they are compatible with the 3DS. Not a bad price for them too.

P.S. Make sure you get a real card and not a fake.

nice thanks pal, though I've already ordered SupercardTwo, as ive seen over gbatemp it also compatible with 3DS
Congratz!! I may get one seeing that flash carts are compatible with it.
I heard all DSi compatible carts work, but will only operate in DS mode (not DSi/3DS).

xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice, I'm getting one.

* xero1 starts saving
Might also want to consider an actual 3D camera if you don't need the gaming, since the quality will probably be superior to the 3DS'.
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