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Full Version: Steam game giveaway
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All the games have been claimed for now! So sad!
There might be another giveaway come steam sale time or other holiday events, so this thread may well rise again!

Bit.Trip.Beat Claimed! I can't think of a bit.trip.beat related joke!
Killing Floor Claimed! Dosh, lads! Grab it while you can!
Super Meat Boy Claimed! The band-aid princess is in another castle!
Portal 1 Claimed! Did you know that you now posess goods worth more than the combined organs and incomes of [insert subject hometown here]? It's true!

>You want it, you make a post saying you want it. That will help keep debates over "I was there first" to a minimum.
>Games are doled out on a "first in, first served" basis.
>All games are on the steam platform. Don't like steam? Tough. (Alternatively, you can just accept the gift, and then pirate it, safe in the knowledge that you do own a copy of the game)
>Recipient MUST have at least 200 POSTS. No exceptions. (Well... if I know you by reputation, I suppose I'll waive this one.)
Bit.Trip.Beat looks interesting. I'll give it a thought. . . I just need more time to be able to actually give it a shot.
Bumping this thread with a quick update, Bit.Trip.Beat is now the only remaining game, so if you're keen for it, get onto it.
tARRET Wrote: [ -> ]Can I get the bit.trip?



200 post limit

read the post
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
tARRET Wrote: [ -> ]Can I get the bit.trip?



200 post limit

read the post

Proper is quite right.

In related news...
Slow to the party? Missed out on Portal 1 while it was free? Don't know what the fuss was all about? Never played portal?
Guess what! FREE PORTAL 1!
Same deal as for bit.trip.beat, mention your interest to me somehow, and I'll get there eventually.
Hey, I know this is my first post, but if you don't find anyone else to give bit.trip.beat to, I'd love it :) my steam account is ndv123ndv.
PORTAL!!!!!! WANT!!!!!!! :D

I need to make steam account now :/

steam ID is broccosparagus

hey bit.trip.beat looks sick!
* Barcelona just learned about it
aww i can't add you as a friend cause i havent bought any games

well if you care to know my id is beast123113
Lol @ randoms joining the forum just for this.
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