Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Blazblue
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Well, I just like Hazama because of his hat.
I like hats, but they never really fit well with me, which is a shame.
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I just like Hazama because of his hat.

I tend to like characters for that too >_>
Noel for example, oh and she also has blond hair and wields a gun.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]Tager doesn't move, he moves others :D

i can only play female characters in any games.
also i can play a little bit of Lambda as well. xD DDDDDDDDDDD

Incidentally, BlazBlue is the one of the only fighting games (The other is Last Blade 2) where my primary main isn't female. When I played this, I mained Kisaragi >_>
Well "used to" is kinda the phrase for it and at the same time isn't. I play it time to time on my psp but since my ps3 is in the family i have no console to play it on and because CS isn't for the comp; i don't bother playing competitively anymore. If i move back in with my parents (looks that way) I might.

Anyway, i mained lambda and was actually pretty good with her; i even memorized timings and all just to get her right. One of my frustrations is that my most complicated combo could only do as much damage as a 5 buttons combo from ragna. Damn, my fingers hurt.
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