Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASED]CTorrent-DNH-PSP-DA v1.5
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This is a port and a bit of Enhanced CTorrent to PSP by danzel and improved by danielbr. The features supported are fairly minimal (No protocol encryption, https support, peer exchange, etc). You can download torrents from thepiratebay.org, I've used it as my test site. I tried to port libtorrent and libtorrent.ro before trying to port ctorrent. It should be possible to port transmission (might need some work on the pthreads port however), but seriously, torrenting on PSP? You are crazy!

The PSP networking stack really isn't designed for running torrents, I've limited peers to 20 to attempt to alleviate this, but it still causes problems some times.

(summarizing) A lot of bugfix and improvements by updating from "ctorrent-dnh3.2" to "ctorrent-dnh3.3.2". You can see for yourself in Enhanced CTorrent official site
Create the ctorrentpsp.ini for some configuration. For now, it just have one: "torrent_dir" - the directory where the CTorrent-DNH-PSP-DA will read the torrents.

Its nice, but a Torrent client for the PSP isn't sooo useful :D.

But I gonna try it out ;)

EDIT: 700st Post, congrats flo Yay
Awsome updated cTorrent.
Nice to see this updated   Madwin

I wish the author would add support for blue tooth internet connections using PSP Go!
Then I could download (very small) torrents at work.  Maybe little E-Books and what not.  

Thanks for posting it ewan08    Yay
awesome stuff :D
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Nice to see this updated   Madwin

I wish the author would add support for blue tooth internet connections using PSP Go!
Then I could download (very small) torrents at work.  Maybe little E-Books and what not.  

Thanks for posting it ewan08    Yay

Yeah blue tooth would be awesome, but sorry folks I don't have any contact from the Dev... T-TIf
I have a picture edited version if no one likes the dogs.

Edit: I am sorry I don't like the dogs, lol.

[attachment=4894] Madwin
I hate bots.
Looks like a sPa/\/\ bot Drink
why do wee keep getting french sPa/\/\?
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