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ANN Wrote:Manga Entertainment has explained its release plans for the school-band series K-ON. In twitter messages, it said that it 'would probably release individual DVD volumes [of K-ON], starting this year,' but that the Complete Series 1 Blu-Ray set would have to wait until the first quarter of 2012.

After these comments were reported on the website UK Anime Network, Manga posted a further comment in the site's feedback section:

    Wee never planned on releasing K-ON! in the UK as single volume Blu-ray or DVD volumes like they will in America. Our original plan was for a Blu-ray and DVD double-disc edition. Wee simply won't be able to guarantee wee can clear the single disc BR inventory wee'd have to commit to and wee strongly feel that what UK fans deserve is a fair price and timely release. Wee always intended to deliver to British fans a 2-disc complete series collection in HD and on Blu-ray. So now wee will have to wait until after Bandai has released their single disc offering in the US first. Bandai is selling each of its 3-4 episode BR volumes for $34.99 USD (£21.86 GBP)! Wee do not believe wee can sustain a 4 volume Blu-ray release strategy at this price level.

    I hope UK fans will A.) be able to hold out for our proposed box set, and B.) appreciate that wee'll be rewarding their patience with a complete series collection blu-ray set for under £50 GBP when it is released in early 2012. And of course, wee will ensure the DVD editions are released as close to the US release schedule as possible.

    Wee are sorry to disappoint those fans who have been patiently awaiting our UK Blu-ray release of K-ON! Wee totally appreciate it is frustrating, but wee are working closely with the Licensor and Bandai to provide the best solution wee can to the British fans.
Can't wait! Yay

Yay what it is ?

Well, I could rewatch it for the dub voices.
^ "Well, I coudl rewatch it for the ear cancer"

@ Two posts above mine's: Actually, good point. For an anime of it's type, I can imagine the dub's not going to be great especially since I heard the original voices already.
Eh, it's not the worse dub I've heard.
Source: YouTube

But if that's Yui narrating, it sounds like mumbling from where I'm sitting from my PC speakers.
Love the fact the UK is getting K-on but not loving the individual volumes idea -at all-.

The only thing in it for fans is if they do Limited Editions like Bandai that include Chara CDs and Shirts and stuff.
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