Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Audio Boost for 6.2X - 6.3X v4c by neur0n
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So be cool and rep me Madwin

[Image: 72297012.png]

Developer neur0n updated Torky's AudioBoost plugin for 6.2X - 6.3X to v4b.

Looking for a nifty app to boost the volume of your PSP? Well, why don't you try Audio Boost Plugin, a handy homebrew app that promises to increase the volume of your PSP's speaker from up to thirty percent more than the maximum volume it can handle.

After you install and enable the plugin, all you have to do is to press the HOME +R to enable audioboost. Just a small warning guys, please use the app very carefully or it might damage your PSP's speaker.

Quote:-- Add patch for 6.20TN(HEN).


Yay for more speaker blowing out goodness. \o/

They really should put a warning that this could destroy your speakers/chocolatety headphones.
Glad to see it updated.
Thanks for posting this news flo !   Madwin
Thanks for attaching it Shizzy :=)

By the way, works great on PSPgo with 6.20TN-D.
my headphones should be able to handle this,
but that reminds me, is there any plugin that make volumes works like on iDevice?
hard to explain, but there're two volume setting, one with headphones plugged in, and one without.
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