Are you kidding me?! O.o ZiNgA is a female? Wow... I never woulda guessed. Hm...
To some dipchocolate on ebay for a whoppin $63.29.
Daym, that beat my $0.01... :(
I see you made $3.29 - good work! Though the smart business man would've sold about 2000 by now >_>
Yo I'm serious, lol.. damn, im too durnk to post thje ebay aucition
(o Y o) Wrote:Yo I'm serious, lol.. damn, im too durnk to post thje ebay aucition
lol. I', to drunk to repl
my friend needs one but wee live in the PHILIPPINES!
I wonder if I could get one in some remote communities in Papua New Guinea
(For your information, some communities there have only recently left the stone age)
Pirata Nervo Wrote:what version is the unpatched? 2.0?
eh i doubt its patched, but the version i have has no firmware update
ibawanzingee Wrote:Are you kidding me?! O.o ZiNgA is a female? Wow... I never woulda guessed. Hm...
Definitely a mudkip, no question about it.