Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] 6.XX Installer v1.4.1 *UPDATE*
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Brand new 6.XX Installer release!

Now with Plugins and updated homebrews.

README says everything ;=)

I released a new version that fixed every install bug, please download it again from my blog (scroll down for the download link)

What is this?
A simple 6.XX Installer.
With this tool you're able to install a bunch of 6.XX Tools/HENs/CFWs/Plugins!

Note: For the 6.31/6.35 to 6.20 Downgrader you'll need the 6.20 Firmware PSP 1000 - 3000 or PSPgo EBOOT!
      Download the FW-EBOOT from http://www.mediafire.com/flofrucht
      I provide also a PSPgo version and a version for normal PSPs like PSP1000, PSP2000 and PSP3000!

   * possibility to install 6.31 HEN signed
    * possibility to install install 6.35 HEN signed
    * possibility to install 6.36 HEN Alpha v3 signed
    * possibility to install 6.20 TN-D
    * possibility to install 6.35 PRO-B3 and FastRecovery
    * possibility to install PSPident 0.73.2
    * possibility to install PSP Module Checker v1.0
    * possibility to install Prometheus ISO Loader with 500 isofs.prx
    * possibility to install HBL r115
    * possibility to install 635/631 » 620 Downgrader
    * possibility to install 5.00 version.txt for downgrading
    * possibility to install Recovery Menu 0.2
    * possibility to aLoader 1.25
    * possibility to install Game Categories Light v1.3
    * possibility to install CXMB 3.71-6.37
    * possibility to install Spoofer 0.1
    * possibility to Mp3PlayerPlugin Lite v0.12

For more information:
6.XX Installer by flofrucht
PSPCFW - Forum - Powered by XMB
flofrucht (flofrucht) on Twitter
flofrucht's Blog (there you can find the newest version)
flofrucht's Blog

What is this o_O?
A simple 6.XX Installer.
With this tool you're able to install a bunch of 6.XX Tools/HENs/CFWs/Plugins!

Note: For the 6.31/6.35 to 6.20 Downgrader you'll need the 6.20 Firmware PSP 1000 - 3000 or PSPgo EBOOT!
      Download it from http://www.mediafire.com/flofrucht
      I provide also a PSPgo version and a version for normal PSPs like PSP1000, PSP2000       and PSP3000!

    * possibility to install 6.31 HEN signed
    * possibility to install install 6.35 HEN signed
    * possibility to install 6.36 HEN Alpha v3 signed
    * possibility to install 6.20 TN-D
    * possibility to install 6.35 PRO-B3 and FastRecovery
    * possibility to install PSPident 0.73.2
    * possibility to install PSP Module Checker v1.0
    * possibility to install Prometheus ISO Loader with 500 isofs.prx
    * possibility to install HBL r115
    * possibility to install 635/631 » 620 Downgrader
    * possibility to install 5.00 version.txt for downgrading
    * possibility to install Recovery Menu 0.2
    * possibility to aLoader 1.25
    * possibility to install Game Categories Light v1.3
    * possibility to install CXMB 3.71-6.37
    * possibility to install Spoofer 0.1
    * possibility to Mp3PlayerPlugin Lite v0.12

-fix release, each error is fixed now
-updated the PRO CFW to B3
-updated PSP Module Checker to v2.0
-added aLoader 1.25
-added Spoofer v0.1
-added Game Categories v1.3 Light
-added MP3PlayerPlugin Lite_v1.2
-added CXMB 3.71 - 6.37
-beta releases
-initial release

How to install
Lol, are you kdding?
Launch the .exe and connect your PSP to your PC.

*Davee for the 6.35/6.31 » 6.20 Downgrader
*jasnuk for PSPident
*YOTI for the new PSPident updates & the UO Spoofer update
*Bubbletune for the Game Categories Plugin
*ardi for the aLoader
*wololo, m0skito and many more for HBL
*Coldbird and VFlame for the 6.3X HENs and 6.3X PRO CFWs
*Total_Noob for the 6.20 HEN
*Sony for the version.txt and 500 isofs.prx ;D
*KaZT.U for the RecMenu 0.2
*liquidzigong aka hirmfaxi aka VFlame for the Prometheus ISO Loader
*J416 for the PSP Module Checker
*Team KuciMods for the PSP Module Checker 2.0
*plum for the MP3PlayerPlugin Lite and the Spoofer plugin
*ardi for the aLoader 1.25 plugin
*patpat for the CXMB Plugin
*the entire PSP scene
-fix release, each error is fixed now

-updated the PRO CFW to B3
-updated PSP Module Checker to v2.0
-added aLoader 1.25
-added Spoofer v0.1
-added Game Categories v1.3 Light
-added MP3PlayerPlugin Lite_v1.2
-added CXMB 3.71 – 6.37

-beta releases

-initial release

Support Forum
Sorry for my mistakes :/, the new version (V1.4.1) is now working without any errors.
Reference URL's