Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Coldbird: 6.35 PRO-C "Online Mode – Problems…"
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Coldbird has posted the following on his blog:

Coldbird March 26, 2011 (10:21 pm) Wrote:This weekend so far has been somewhat of a nutcracker to me…

I’m currently trying to resolve a random online mode issue which causes disconnections on God Eater Burst once starting a match…

I’m sorry to disappoint you guys but it’s very unlikely I get this fixed for a beta test this weekend.

Again, I’m very sorry about this, I myself have been looking forward to this a lot.

On the other hand though, work goes smooth on our upcoming PRO-CFW version and it will pack a bunch of features you guys have been asking for (and quite a few you haven’t been asking for).

Greetings, Coldbird.

News Source:  blog.coldbird.co.cc
suddenly 6.35 PRO-C got problem?
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