A "half year or more" ago i started making this custom dvd with the complete s1 of black lagoon
I have send Shinzen a mail and again for requesting the soft subs wich they used for hard subbing there release of black lagoon.. no response..
Hmm lets wait a while for the dvd subs come out but now half year later still can not find any soft subs..(English offcourse)
I got the complete dvd ready menu's and everything just need these subs to implement into the episodes..
Thought i post this here in the anime section to get the most attention and change of maybe getting a hint where to find these subs..
And also i am gonna watch the second season too soon, and if there are english subs for season 2 and if the s2 is as good as s1 i make a custom dvd too..
By the way i am checking some container releases now for english subs:
MapleSnow_PPX mkv dvdrip >>>>>> no english subs
Kaa >>>>> have not checked
Don't get it...
If there's a DVD release, it will have soft subs. I'm doubting fansub groups will give away their soft sub files as that means that anyone can 'borrow' them.
IMO, it's really not worth the effort - people watch the episodes rather than the menus etc. If you want, you can try OCR'ing the fansub episodes (use Subrip). No guarantee that it'll work well.
Vegetano1 Wrote:A "half year or more" ago i started making this custom dvd with the complete s1 of black lagoon
I have send Shinzen a mail and again for requesting the soft subs wich they used for hard subbing there release of black lagoon.. no response..
Hmm lets wait a while for the dvd subs come out but now half year later still can not find any soft subs..(English offcourse)
I got the complete dvd ready menu's and everything just need these subs to implement into the episodes..
Shinsen (referring shinsen subs right?) will never give away their raw subs. Fan subbing groups aren't just going to give away their stuff, they fear other people screwing it up, or putting their own name on it or whatever. + They like to keep it so they are the only releasers for specific anime, so everyone uses their version. One of the reason that fansub groups still use hardsubs even when they know softsubbing are better. It just pisses me off when i download a Matroska (MKV) file to find that it's also hardsubbed, and uses Xvid and MP3 just like the AVIs.
Some fansub groups (Lunar) also put like a 3 second intro at the start of each episode saying something like "[anime name] presented by [fansub group name]" and that pisses me off completely (i get pissed off at everything). I mean, isn't just putting their name on the starting song enough, but no, they have to also go an add an intro onto the anime to further promote themselves. I seriously considered many times stripping the intros from these fansubs intros on them, but never ended up bothering.
Wait for the DVD, then u got dual audio as well :). That's what all my anime encodings come from, DVDs from the library.
If u REALLY want the subs now, u can always try OCR (optical charactor recognition). Get Subrip and give it a go. Although i find OCRing hardsubbed videos to be a pain in the butt, and u loose the typesetting, if u care about typesetting at all.
Vegetano1 Wrote:By the way i am checking some container releases now for english subs:
MapleSnow_PPX mkv dvdrip >>>>>> no english subs
Kaa >>>>> have not checked
Most groups use AVI, and out of the ones that use MKV, most still use hardsubs.
KAA might have softsubs. That's actually the only fansub group that i ever seen that uses softsubs at all. Thus making them my favourite group, beside for Vision Anime, which releases strictly illegal dual audio DVD rips :).
Zinga i am making this dvd for meselfff... :mdr:
And the ocr thingy cost to much time ..
I quess Black Lagoon does not have eng subs on the dvd cause after the release of the dvd i still can not find any eng ripped subs!?!?
ANYWAY KAA released this mkv with soft subs and its the only complete release with subs i could find..
Also "Arigatou" is releasing with soft subs but its only the first 4 eps..
Shinzen subs should do with there subs whatever they want to do, i understand! but its a pain in the donkey if you can not find ANY soft subs..
Hard subbing sucks, you sometimes get those really weird looking font types or yellow colored subs.!?
And yes that's enoying those intro subs hard coded into the episodes, do not get me wrong i like what they do and the effort they take to translate the whole thingy.
No no OCR is a waste of time and not someting i want to do..
So what did i find after waiting half a year: soft subs english, audio english and jap but no 5.1 audio
Vegetano1 Wrote:ANYWAY KAA released this mkv with soft subs and its the only complete release with subs i could find..
Also "Arigatou" is releasing with soft subs but its only the first 4 eps..
yep. KAA is cool.
Vegetano1 Wrote:And yes that's enoying those intro subs hard coded into the episodes, do not get me wrong i like what they do and the effort they take to translate the whole thingy.
i don't really mean intro subs. I mean that they just add like 3 seconds of a blank screen with the only words on it being something like "Released by xxxxxxxxxxxx" and their IRC address on it. Basically blatant self promotion which is not actually part of the anime itself. So ur forced to watch thru that poo poo at the start.
I don't really mind fansub groups putting their name in the song, cause after all, i would do something like that too, but adding something like an into like that to an anime is going too far.
Aaah i see what you mean, well i never put my name in anything i make..
If you check my theme you can see i even took the time removing all tm and c marks from all text's and also in my eboot packs i never put my name and i always try to erase all tm and c marks,.. want to keep all picture's clean..
Adding names I think that's cocky..

what's the use..
PS there will be a 3.50 downgrader soon gnagna, i just read (luminus exploit)
Meh, 3 seconds... c'mon... You're getting stuff for free - stay happy :P
[quote=ZiNgA BuRgA]
Meh, 3 seconds...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Meh, 3 seconds... c'mon... You're getting stuff for free - stay happy :P
It's less about the 3 seconds of time wasted than about them being, as Vegetano1 points out, too cocky and showing off.
Imagine that i wrote a program called "Program". And i name it "Assassinator's Great Program Made by The Godly Assassinator Who Rules All". It's not wasting any more of your time than it otherwise would be just being called "Program", but wouldn't u get pissed off anyways? It's not about the time wasted. It's about being cocky.
Actually, they're not as bad as i though now that i found out that by putting their name at the starting intro thing, they didn't put their name anywhere else in the anime, so it more a transition of where they put their name than a blatant addition of advertisement. Although i still prefer them not to have the intro, and have their name in the song instead.
Nup, I wouldn't actually give a damn.
If there was a program which was "cleaner" then I'd get that instead, otherwise I wouldn't care.
Basically, if there's a fansub group that doesn't stick those screens at the beginning, get that, otherwise, just live with it.