Well, Somy only discovered Somytinium which is for use of Somy, licensed by Somy companies and government agencies only. Though with the 4PS' current power, it's possible Nintemdo are trying to artificially create new atoms.
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Rubber eh? Does...........it................blend?
^ Fixed.
What about allergies? There are people who are allergic to rubber. Man, Somy never think things through.
^ I'm sure the disclaimers will cover that.
Or maybe a non rubber shell edition because some people would probably prefer plastic which they grown with since every other device before it.
Ahh, the PC (plastic console)...
^ I Lol'd. What, no metal versions? I like shiniyness.

I have a bunch of old devices that survived a long time but the indestructible somytinum version sounds too good to pass up.