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Full Version: audioboost_for_62X-63X_v4 fix by neuron
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[Image: speaker.gif]
Looking for a nifty app to boost the volume of your PSP? Well, why don't you try Audio Boost Plugin, a handy homebrew app that promises to increase the volume of your PSP's speaker from up to thirty percent more than the maximum volume it can handle.
Home + R is toggle switch between speaker and earphone
download link:
version 2
version 3 fix
version 4 supports pspgo

how to install:
1.extract the rar folder:
2.grab the boost.prx..
3.plug your psp into usb mode:
4.open your seplugins:
5.drag and drop the boost.prx..
6.make the line txt... on game.txt,vsh.txt
Quote:ms0:/seplugins/boost.prx 1
7.save and exit:
5.. ow yeah
tested by me on 6.37 me-6 and 6.35 pro-b3


Great news !    Yay

This is one of the all time most handy plugins.  Glad to be able to use it on my PSP Go! now   Adore

By the way - I attached the file to the first post. Since mediafire is not PSP browser friendly, and some peeps may be trying to download this on the road.
Great news thanks to neuron Yay
thanks again neur0n, he's very fast ;=)
nice, nice and finally. thanks for share
Yeas alright I've been waiting forever for this to come out THANK YOU.
OMG! I have been needing this I was going to get 3rd party louder speakers for my PSP 1000 cause the 1000 has chocolatety speakers. Thanks for the news playjun!
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Great news !    Yay

This is one of the all time most handy plugins.  Glad to be able to use it on my PSP Go! now   Adore

By the way - I attached the file to the first post. Since mediafire is not PSP browser friendly, and some peeps may be trying to download this on the road.

Thanks for attaching it! The PSP browser is horrible for File hosting sites.
A question, where did you install it on your go, system storage or memorystick? My pspgo won't stop crashing with this plugin loaded from the system storage.
For some reason it is crashing on my PSP 1000 too? Sadist
it's work very good on CFW 6.37 with other plugin like psp hud and mp3 lite :D
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