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Full Version: Best Anime You've seen Lately
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I'm looking for a damn good anime again lol
I like things with romance, ecchi, and action, but if it's a damn good anime, I'll watch it regardless. So what is the best anime you've seen lately? oh... also, uh why I guess.
Do you have an Anime List? It would make things easier if wee knew what you've seen already.
I got three for you to choose. Bleach, Highschool of the Dead and One Piece. It's your choice.
Watch Kimi ni Todoke

or Bakuman
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Highschool of the Dead

Actually that's exactly what he needs.
I think he's already watched High School of the Dead. As for your question... the last romance anime I've seen is Toradora. Can't say much about ecchi. And if you want to know the best anime I've seen lately I'd say Cromartie High School. But like Senseito said.

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have an Anime List? It would make things easier if wee knew what you've seen already.
I haven't seen jack spoon lately.

I use anime planet because I can't figure out how the fudge to use ANIDB
or how to export my playlist from anime planet lol
Highschool of the Dead because you'll probably like it, ef memories because it's worth watching and Clannad After Story for obvious reasons.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]ef memories because it's worth watching

Hurr durr he watched melodies before memories.

I haven't seen anything really good (9/10 or more) in a long long time.  Seen a few pretty good (like 8/10) shows, but not really good.

Err... as Sensei mentioned, you should go watch Clannad AS if you've already watched Clannad.  Also, you should watch GTO, I think that stuff would suit you well.

TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Bleach, and One Piece. It's your choice.

If he has that much time to waste, FMA - Brotherhood (the new and better remake version of FMA) is way way better.
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