Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Post subject: Spoofer_0.1 for 5.00-6.37 FW by PLUM
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[Image: 198057_1912123084895_1296447240_32269265_8094312_n.jpg]

PSP body of information "system software" and "MAC address" can be rewritten for the plugin is 5.00-6.37 FW
source: plum via twitter

how to install:
1.extract the rar folder
2.open the downloaded folder.
3.plug your psp into usb mode
4.open the seplugins folder.
5.drag and drop the spoofer.prx in the seplugins folder;
6.and add the line txt on vsh.txt
ms0:/seplugins/spoofer.prx 1
7,open the ver.txt and make your own version..
sample; 6.37 ME-6™
8.open the mac txt and make your own mac txt.ex;
9.save and exit....
10..reset your psp...
11.look at your system version............Ahaa

download link:
playjun Wrote: [ -> ]Spoofer_0.1
[Image: 198057_1912123084895_1296447240_32269265_8094312_n.jpg]

PSP body of information "system software" and "MAC address" can be rewritten for the plugin is 5.00-6.37 FW
source: plum via twitter

how to install:
1.extract the rar folder
2.open the downloaded folder.
3.plug your psp into usb mode
4.open the seplugins folder.
5.drag and drop the spoofer.prx in the seplugins folder;
6.and add the line txt on vsh.txt
ms0:/seplugins/spoofer.prx 1
7,open the ver.txt and make your own version..
sample; 6.37 ME-6™
8.open the mac txt and make your own mac txt.ex;
9.save and exit....
10..reset your psp...
11.look at your system version............

download link:


thanks nice spoof!!!
Cool, but how is this any different/better than the mod of Davee's spoofer that was just released ?  Hmmm
I don't see any change?
it added support for 6.37.. :D
mod davees spoofer does'nt work on 6.37..only on 6.35
I c said the blind man, lol. Good work.
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