Mozila Firefox browser
Google Maps
Videoclips(Happy Tree Friends)
Settings Panel and more...
1. Download
2. Connect PSP to PC via USB cable
3. Copy the folder "webtogo" in ms0:/
4. Open the PSP browser and type: file:/webtogo/index.html
Please let the link intact to being able how many downloads WebToGo recieved.
Dammit, I was hoping this was a theme...also, why would you need an anti-virus?
That theme looks awesome. Is it do able?
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]th3saint Wrote: [ -> ]Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]why would you need an anti-virus?
My guess is so you can scan files you've downloaded before you transfer them to your computer... or scanning files transferred from your computer to the PSP.
Doubt anybody would use something like that anyway.
Just tried it.
I think it is a very well designed portal. Everything worked fairly well.
I noticed on PSP Go! it will not work from M2 memory stick - but it works fine from Internal Storage.
I like the tabs feature on the browser, hopefully you can further improve this feature by adding a name on each tab so they are labeled.
Also, some stuff like MAPS, and stick animator are not formatted correctly for the PSP screen, making the buttons hard to read. (maybe I need to adjust the view settings in the PSP browser settings)
The videos quickly caused an "out of memory - page will reload in reduced quality" error.
Maybe I should try running this portal with the netfront high memory mod browser to solve that issue..
I didn't get a chance to try the messenger feature, as I do not have a yahoo account, and was to lazy to make one right now.
Other than that, I think this portal is fantastic

I hope it continues to evolve. Great work !