how do wee now they don't already have a new fw 4 such an event???
Daniablo Wrote:I saw your poll vegeta.
Yes i am real DA lover!! and a bit Zinga lover too..
DA and a Unbrick battery

J'adore le paissons Wrote:how do wee now they don't already have a new fw 4 such an event???
ok, that's a fair point..still none of us would be stupid enough to upgrade, and if they did have a new firmware, then wee could just brick the new firmware and use the magic battery and memory card to go to and older firmware which wee can then downgrade to 1.5...:D
I can imagine that to disable the features of the battery, it would be done through hardware not software(firmware updates). But what they can do i make a new firmware fast, so the memory stick files become useless.
so if this battery is real and has been given to a dev, then there will probably be a firmware 4.00 coming out and a new mobo or a psp2??
do you think sony will put more money in a psp, ps3 going slowly down , they may just stop and cut ther losses.
i think they won't stop forf sure
they r dumb fudgeers
true but how dumb ???
not that much A !!!
they jus can't afford to not keep fighting (cause all the major studios will loose faith in them)
but they can embrace homebrew n support it atleast like a controlled homebrew environment like the ps3
i personally think that sony has something up their sleeve for the psp and the ps3 which is gonna make microsoft, intendo and all game studios go: "HOLY Spoon!!! How did they manage to pull that off?!?!"