hey i was just on some threads, and everyone seems to be lovin up UBUNTU OS..
can someone please tell me what's so special about it and how its better than windowes, like what's better features does it have and is it worth havin as a dual boot or w.e?
please?..plzzzzz? :out:
i would dual boot it, but if you want to be able to revert dual-booting Ubuntu, then try this app called Wubi:
http://wubi-installer.org/ all you have to do is download the "alternate" iso from the ubuntu site and put it in the same folder as the wubi installer
as for info, real this:
although i wouldn't full install Ubuntu over Windows, windows still has it advantages over ubuntu
as ben said, i personally wouldnt have it as my main OS, i would dual boot it with windows.
but yeah its an OS just like windows but its linux..lol
try it out with dual booting..youll only need about 10gig for its partition.
i hated the damn thing it fudgeed up my comp so hard and i followed the guide given to be by someone here properly and it still buggard up
lol.. i been using Ubuntu for ages... it is my main OS atm... lol... Windows is here for playing games.. :P
Hmm, one of the cover CDs of an Australian mag has Ubuntu on it this month - I might buy it to check it out (there's no way I can download it, lol)
Well, I'm really a Linux n00b - used Mandrake 9 about 3 years ago, as well as Knoppix at the time - I found them interesting, but I'm sorda not used to it, especially the filesystem. Tried Fedora Core 5 about a year ago - on the surface, seemed to be about the same.
I wonder what made Ubuntu so popular...
lildeep Wrote:hey i was just on some threads, and everyone seems to be lovin up UBUNTU OS..
can someone please tell me what's so special about it and how its better than windowes, like what's better features does it have and is it worth havin as a dual boot or w.e?
please?..plzzzzz? Out
I just got a DirectCD, incase something effs up in windows, and i need to fix it, or testing stuff.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Hmm, one of the cover CDs of an Australian mag has Ubuntu on it this month - I might buy it to check it out (there's no way I can download it, lol)
I can get everything like that from the library. :)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Hmm, one of the cover CDs of an Australian mag has Ubuntu on it this month - I might buy it to check it out (there's no way I can download it, lol)
which magazine is it (what is it called?)?
Ubuntu is a great OS and very stable. One of the best things about ubuntu is the amount of support that is out there. No other linux distro has as big of a community, which is great for n00bz because ubuntu has so many help guides and support from thousands of people.
Ubuntu also makes it very very easy to install software. Where-as with many other distros installing things can be a big pain. Ubuntu's default package comes with everything you need from cd/dvd-writing software to open office which does everything that MS office can do.
If you install beryl and kiba dock and other visual software (they can run on any linux distro) it looks far better then vista and runs 20x faster. I had an old 2.4GHz P4 laptop with 512MB of RAM and it ran ubuntu, beryl, kiba dock, and other things and it ran better then my athlon 4000+ 1GB of ram computer running vista business. Ubuntu also looked 10x better to ;)
Assassinator Wrote:I just got a DirectCD, incase something effs up in windows, and i need to fix it, or testing stuff.
Called a LiveCD. I still prefer having a recovery partition if you have the space - a lot faster and better, generally (most LiveCDs can't detect my RAID0 array).
Assassinator Wrote:I can get everything like that from the library. :)
ben3gfc Wrote:which magazine is it (what is it called?)?
This month's PC User I think.