Endless Paradigm

Full Version: GVGNP v2 ctf theme converted for 5.00/5.03/6.20/6.35
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I had converted another theme for today which is GVGNP v2 and here it is

[Image: GVGNP.png]

Download for 5.00: here

Download for 5.03: here

Download for 6.20: here

Download for 6.35: here
it reminds me the serenity ctf theme
5.00 version? Looks great, dude :)
teosama Wrote: [ -> ]5.00 version? Looks great, dude :)

now I'm like very busy but still, will convert for 5.00 but soon
teosama Wrote: [ -> ]5.00 version? Looks great, dude :)

5.00 m33 support added, go and download
I'm using the 6.35 now,,, there are a few bugs that i know
- missing icon at   setting (update, power setting, and network setting) and network (search, remote play, and skype)
- the sony logo boot didn't work for me,, there's a ".... memory not supported" message appeared

thanks anyway,, the gameboot is very cool
eznoir Wrote: [ -> ]I'm using the 6.35 now,,, there are a few bugs that i know
- missing icon at   setting (update, power setting, and network setting) and network (search, remote play, and skype)
- the sony logo boot didn't work for me,, there's a ".... memory not supported" message appeared

thanks anyway,, the gameboot is very cool

reboot using fast recovery and it will work
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