Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ep desktop competition #6
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yes, you read it correctly. this competition has been going for half a year now and still going strong \o/

thank you all for being active :D

anyway, im changing the rules.

there is a maximum of 3 picture submittals from each person.

this rule is simply to save me time. last competition, i had several people sending me dozens of pictures, and one person sent 4 pictures of 4 different desktops. its a very daunting task to have to img tag dozens of pictures inside of spoilers, and select the best of each desktop.

also, the entry period is one week, from the date of the posting of this thread. from now on. i have been too lenient on this, and it has led to way to many extensions and makes it difficult to keep the competition consistently scheduled.

other than that, i think were good!.

also, i noticed that i go through desktops more than once a month, and some of my best themes never get seen here, so here are a few that have missed getting posted the last few months:

[Image: snapshot2t.png]
[Image: snapshot2h.png]
[Image: openbox24.png]
[Image: openbox11.png]

[Image: elegance4.png]
[Image: elegance3.png]
[Image: snapshot2h.png]

Has zinga been influencing you?

Spoiler for zinga's desktops:
[Image: clipboard05xh7.jpg]
[Image: clipboard01qs8.jpg]
no, i was just going through a nostalgia phase :D
y u start competition when my new computer is ded.

bread Wrote: [ -> ]y u start competition when my new computer is ded.


Because its every month. Theme your olde computer.
bread Wrote: [ -> ]y u start competition when my new computer is ded.


for the lulz
entry is in
ok. that brings us to a total of... 2 entries.
i should have just posted all those desktops as entries...

i guess ill make 2 desktops for this competition
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