ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]the problem is they already made these docu's,......(weird assumptions/believe's) and there for can't be excused anymore being wrong,..
The problem is that you think the ideas are weird or strange. You've got a bit of a presumption on that, and you're finding it difficult to not consider them to be weird or strange.
Going against popular belief may be what you consider strange or weird
1st,. this, hopefully, isn't popular belief
2nd its my optioning,. its indeed whot i think,.. i don't really see that as a problem,.. and its not a shameless believe.
i am open minded i can admire a "believe",. eg like the rumor the US didn't land on the moon,. and was a studio recording,. that's fun,.(hehe,. yah i don't beleive that either,. that's my freedon to not believe that) but making a documentary about 911 and trying to convince people something like this i think its
kinda tasteless,.
i am blessed to draw a line,. HALELUJA! (don't get me started on religion)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]i can't really link this with the world being flat or round,. you had lost me there,. ;p
...it's because hundreds of years ago, the idea that the world was round would be considered strange or weird.
Just because something may not be in popular belief doesn't mean it's simply just wrong.
I don't think 100 years from now anything will change whot happened at 911,. and why,.. and by who,..
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]i was about to say that there is 1% change that 911 is/was some secret US cover-up plan to start some new-world something something,..
But is it 1%? Or would it be 20%? 50%? 0.0001%?
What are chances being based upon? Motivation? If so, then the best way to judge is to take into consideration the motivations of those who are potentially behind the bombings. Which is what these documentaries try to show (whether or not they do it objectively, or even how accurate they are, is another matter).
look,. i like stuff like this,. IF ITS GOOD,. but this,.. for me if there was 1% saying this got any marred that means i have to dismiss all evidence of the true story,.. and that's impossible and i don't think there are 2 explanations,. are there?
but in the spirit of believe,. have you considered that these docu's could have other intension's,.. ? i am kinda hoping so,.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]but there isn't,.. there are facts about whot really happened and those facts are undeniable,.. they are undeniable facts,..
And I don't think the documentaries deny the facts.
What is not fact, however, is who was behind the attacks. And that is what's being debated here, not whether the bombings ever occurred or not.
no but offcourse these docu's won't deny anything,...
anyway,. for me its a fact who was behind 911,. so its why i don't like these docu's,.
especially these about 911.
there is prob 1 positive site about these docu's,. people should nvr forget whot happend in New York
that day,..