Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Who cares about Pearl Harbor right now?
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Why do so many idiots compare a catastrophe with war (eventhough war might be one)?
People died in the last days in Japan and the only thing what comes into the mind of these certain American people is Pearl Harbor? It was war back then.
Now for them its just "karma". Who the f*ck do you think you are?! You aren't even Buddhists or Hindu and talk about karma.
Oh, i forgot. Pearl Harbor was for war...

[Image: 1299932636934.jpg]

yah these people are sick,.. they should put that site down,........

thanks for all the fish kenzo,...

you have a source,.? so mebbe 4chin SUCK could rip that site down,..
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]yah these people are sick,.. they should put that site down,........

thanks for all the fish kenzo,...

you have a source,.? so mebbe 4chin SUCK could rip that site down,..

The site is Facebook, where tons of people post that poo poo (though in America only i think...)
I don't think wee can do anything... Its the social network.

Just found that image on a blog and wanted to share it.
kenzodragon Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]yah these people are sick,.. they should put that site down,........

thanks for all the fish kenzo,...

you have a source,.? so mebbe 4chin SUCK could rip that site down,..

The site is Facebook, where tons of people post that poo poo (though in America only i think...)
I don't think wee can do anything... Its the social network.

Just found that image on a blog and wanted to share it.
if i was the boss of the social-network,.... hehe,.. i would ban these people,..... no question's asked,..
Disgusting, really.
Facebook Hiding_something i hate it! Knock-knock
just found that and had the need to post this myself, No offence to fellow americans here. But seriously double you tee eff. (Also sorry if I'm blatantly wrong here, never payed attention in history :P)

Don't you think some Americans are just.....way too patriotic
ignorant bastards
These people need to get their fudgeing heads on straight

Pearl Harbour was a joke compared to this. Only approximately 2,300 people died in Pearl Harbour, of which about 60 civilians.

When America bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they killed up to 250,000 CIVILIANS. It may be viewed as crucial to Japan's surrender, but in my opinion slaughtering thousands upon thousands of cilivians is NOT how a war should be ended, those who wish to fight, can fight, and those who are fighting should not target the families of those involved.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]Pearl Harbour was a joke compared to this. Only approximately 2,300 people died in Pearl Harbour, of which about 60 civilians.

When America bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they killed up to 250,000 CIVILIANS. It may be viewed as crucial to Japan's surrender, but in my opinion slaughtering thousands upon thousands of cilivians is NOT how a war should be ended, those who wish to fight, can fight, and those who are fighting should not target the families of those involved.

they are all different and very sad moments in history,. beyond repair,.
these people on facebook,. disgust me saying the one deserve it because of the other,. its sick,. who the fudge do these people think they are,.. !! Puke

someone should pull that facebook page,.. with no reason given,..
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